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First, let’s talk about exactly when mankind adopted Dairy products as a source of food. Dairy products have been a source of food for human beings for more than the past 8,000 years. Records of ancient civilizations indicate that raw milk had been preserved into cheese, fermented dairy products, yogurt, and more.
We should know the exact benefits of Dairy products for our health and well-being.
Do you know that Dairy products center around milk produced mainly from cows, buffalo, goats, sheep; even Camel, Donkey, Horse, Reindeer, and Yak milk is used in many parts of the world today depending on the type of environment and geographical factors prevailing in particular areas of the world.
Here’s more on how milk became easily available; see how the discovery of a simple technique made milk distribution fairly easy more than 160 years ago.
Pasteurization – a simple process which involves heating milk to 63 Degree Celsius developed by renowned French Chemist, Louis Pasteur in 1861 – preserves milk for 2 to 5 days if kept cool or refrigerated. Pasteurization has made the widespread distribution of milk possible, and refrigeration has made the storage of milk more convenient.
Various Dairy Products like Milk, Cheese, Yogurt, and Butter keep muscles, bones, nerves, teeth, and vision healthy. They release energy from other consumed foods reducing fatigue. Healthy Blood Pressure is maintained with the regular consumption of Dairy Products. Normal growth and Brain development are promoted with the consumption of Dairy products.
We really should know the importance of Dairy products in our daily food intake.
We obtain essential nutrients and vitamins like Calcium, Phosphorus, B Vitamins, Potassium, and Vitamin D are obtained best from the consumption of Dairy products. Protein is provided by it in a high quantity as well. The consumption of Dairy products prevent many diseases like Osteoporosis and bone fractures, and even help in maintaining a healthy weight.
Did you know that many important nutritional elements are supplied mainly by Dairy products?
We obtain essential nutrients and vitamins like Calcium, Phosphorus, B Vitamins, Potassium, and Vitamin D are obtained best from the consumption of Dairy products. Protein is provided by it in a high quantity as well. The consumption of Dairy products prevent many diseases like Osteoporosis and bone fractures, and even help in maintaining a healthy weight.
Did you know that many important nutritional elements are supplied mainly by Dairy products?
Dairy products are an ideal and affordable source of essential vitamins and minerals which are necessary for human survival. We must consume substantial amounts of Dairy products on a daily basis to maintain a perfect equilibrium in our health and well-being.
Let’s see what these exactly are
Calcium is necessary for healthy bones and teeth; it also plays an important role in blood clotting, helping muscles contract, and regulates nerve functions and heart rhythms.
Also known as Vitamin B2, it works with B Vitamins in regulating body growth; it is involved in the production of red blood cells. The release of energy from proteins is also undertaken by this.
This is required in the formation of bones and teeth. It plays an important role in the body’s use of carbohydrates and fats. Phosphorus is also essential in making protein connected with the repair, maintenance, and growth of cells and tissues.
Vitamin A
This helps maintain, and even form, soft tissue, healthy teeth, skeletal cells, mucus membranes, and skin. It is also known as Retinol because it produces pigments in the retina located in the eyes. This is responsible for promoting good eyesight, especially in low light.
Vitamin B12
Also known as Cobalamin, Vitamin B12 plays a major role in the formation of red blood cell formation, cell metabolism, the production of DNA, and regulating nerve function.
Potassium is found naturally in many foods; it maintains normal levels of fluid inside our cells.
This plays a vital role in assisting more than 300 enzymes to carry out various chemical reactions in the body such as building proteins, strong bones, regulating blood sugar, regulating blood pressure, regulates muscle function, and nerve functions. This is found naturally in many foods, Potassium helps in maintaining normal levels of fluid inside our cell.
It helps the immune system and the metabolism function. Zinc is also important in healing wounds, and plays a critical role in the proper functioning of taste and smell. A varied diet provides Zinc, and chicken, red meat, and fortified breakfast cereals are the best sources.
The body needs iodine to make Thyroid Hormones which control the body’s metabolism, and other important functions; the proper development of bones and the brain during pregnancy and infancy require Iodine.
Want to know what Organic means?
Let’s begin with the understanding that the Organic category of Dairy products refers to all animals used as sources of milk that have been fed with food grown without the use of chemical-based pesticides. Organic-category animals are not subjected to antibiotics or growth hormones and are raised in spacious areas usually outdoors with exposure to fresh air and sunlight for good health.
In order to be even classified as Organic, even the food that the animal from which milk is being produced has to be completely free of pesticides, insecticides, chemical fertilizers, and GMO-type modifications – 100% natural and pure.
We must consider the vast amount of irreversible destruction being caused by conventional Dairy production to our precious non-renewable environment by first going over the eco-friendliness of Organic Dairy production next.
Rest assured that Organic-category Dairy products omit the use of any artificial / chemical-based substances completely practicing eco-friendliness. Organic Dairy production does not involve the use of automated machines running on energy obtained from non-renewable fossil fuels which contribute to pollution.
Let’s show some sympathy for our fragile environment by opting for Organic Diary products. We’ll see the harm of conventional Dairy production’s harm to our environment next.
Isn’t it a scary fact to know that even minor trace amounts of chemicals used in the food of animals from which milk is obtained, or administered directly to the animals, show up in human beings through consumption. Even artificial preservatives used in the processing of certain non-organic Dairy products are harmful to people consuming them.
The worst part is that Non-organic Dairy offers us less nutrition. Let’s continue to read about this ironic fact.
Yes, it is a really sad irony that despite of a huge boost in worldwide Dairy production through conventional Dairy production, Non-Organic Dairy production has been clearly proven in countless clinical tests to contain fewer nutrients, vitamins, and minerals in comparison to Organic Dairy products which are abundantly rich in all essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Organic Dairy products have a higher concentration of Omega 3 fatty acids which are good for the heart, and disease-fighting antioxidants in comparison to its non-organic counterpart.
Indeed, Organic is the correct choice for us.
We now fully know that there are no health risks involved with the consumption of Organic Dairy products. Even the nutrition in Organic Dairy products is substantially higher contrary to non-Organic Dairy products. The most dangerous risk involved with non-organic Dairy products is the trace amounts of pesticides, antibiotics, Growth Hormones, and preservatives which end up in the bodies of unsuspecting people who consume them.
These dangerous trace elements pose a great level of danger in terms of deadly diseases they may cause like Heart Disease, Diabetes, Kidney failure, and even retardation possibly caused by it, especially in small children and infants. Organic is pure, safe, and healthy – the best choice for people guaranteeing good health.